
Farm business: embracing technology transformation.

1 min read


  • Technology transformation is revolutionizing the agriculture industry.
  • Green energy and artificial intelligence are key technologies driving change.

In a recent article by David Kohl, the focus is on the technology transformation in the farm business. Kohl emphasizes the significant impact of technology on the agriculture industry, highlighting the transition from fossil fuels to green energy and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). He points out that these advancements are driving rapid transformation and innovation in agriculture.

Kohl discusses the adoption curve of new technologies, noting phases of infatuation and disillusionment. He suggests that while green energy and AI are currently in a phase of intense interest and development, there may be challenges ahead, such as global economic recessions and lack of government support for green initiatives.

Regarding AI, Kohl predicts progress in areas such as crop yield prediction, intelligent spraying, disease diagnostics, and agricultural robots. However, he emphasizes the importance of regulators, consumer acceptance, and producer acceptance in the adoption of AI technologies. Kohl also raises concerns about the availability of technicians to deliver timely and cost-effective services.

Looking ahead, Kohl anticipates a period of increased adoption of technology as the industry moves towards the plateau of productivity and enlightenment. He emphasizes the need for a balance between high tech and high touch approaches, highlighting the importance of human interface and acceptance in the evolution of the agriculture industry.

In conclusion, Kohl highlights the ongoing evolution of the agriculture industry due to technology transformation and emphasizes the need for adaptation and innovation to navigate the future landscape of agriculture.

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