
Chinese researchers use muons imaging to detect underground mines.

1 min read


  • Chinese researchers successfully used muons imaging technology to detect the internal structure of a mineral deposit.
  • This new technology provides a non-contact, deep penetrating, and non-destructive approach to mineral exploration.

A Chinese research team has made significant advancements in mineral exploration by utilizing muons imaging technology to detect the internal structure of a mineral deposit. Traditional mineral exploration methods have been costly and inaccurate, but muons, as fundamental particles in nature, offer a new approach with their significant penetration capability. The research team, led by Liu Zhiyi from Lanzhou University, used muons as detection rays to obtain images of large objects, allowing for a non-destructive technology to study mineral deposits’ internal structures. This technology is expected to revolutionize mineral resource development and utilization by confirming orebody positions and shapes through large-scale scanning, reducing costs, risks, and improving efficiency.

Muons imaging technology not only provides accurate imaging results for mineral deposits but also reduces environmental damage and pollution compared to traditional exploration methods. The team has developed detection equipment sets with independent intellectual property rights and conducted successful field measurements in a gold mine in Gansu Province, China. The imaging results showcased gold veins, goaf areas, and low-density geological structures, proving the effectiveness of muons imaging technology in mineral exploration. Additionally, the team also utilized this technology to assess the condition of the ancient Xi’an city wall in Shaanxi Province, further demonstrating the versatility and applicability of muons imaging technology.

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